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Panel Discussion on the Role of Diaspora in Development

Michael Møller

25 juin 2014
Panel Discussion on the Role of Diaspora in Development

Message by Mr. Michael Møller, United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Panel Discussion on the Role of Diaspora in Development”

Palais des Nations, Room XIX, E Building, 3rd floor
Wednesday, 25 June 2014 at 3 p.m.

Delivered on the Acting Director-General’s behalf
by Mr. Andrey Vassilyev, Officer-in-Charge of UNOG

Ambassador Getahun
Ambassador Ehouzou
Director-General Ryder
Director-General Swing
Executive Director Gonzalez
Deputy Secretary-General Draganov
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is my privilege to represent the Acting Director-General of UNOG, Mr. Michael Møller and welcome you to this important panel discussion. Mr. Møller regrets that he cannot be here today as he is on mission and he has asked me to convey his greetings and best wishes for a successful meeting and discussion.

At the outset, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Ambassador Getahun of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Ambassador Ehouzou of the African Union Commission for putting the subject of diasporas, and their multiple roles, in the centre of today’s panel discussion.

Diasporas in general, and the Ethiopian Diaspora among them, maintain important cultural and economic links between nationals abroad and back home. They enhance economic relations, financial inflows, and acquisition of expertise. In the greater scope, their impact not only benefits the African Continent but the international arena at large.

The participation of the top leadership of the major international actors, such as ILO, IOM, UNCTAD and ITC in this particular discussion is very encouraging. Their engagement will allow the participants to have a clear confirmation on how indispensable their contribution is in analysing the economic and trade potential of this phenomenon, practical aspects of its evolution as well as ways to enhance its effect on sustainable development in the African countries as a whole.

UNOG is very pleased and proud to host this panel discussion. The convening of this event serves as yet another signal of the continued interest of the United Nations in examining every facet of policies and programmes that are capable of bringing improvement and self-fulfilment to nationals living abroad, and ensuring their role as development partners for their compatriots back in the home countries.

On behalf of Mr. Møller, may I wish you a productive discussion and a fruitful event.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.