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Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the Central African Republic

Michael Møller

20 janvier 2014
Delivery of the Secretary-General’s message by Mr. Michael Møller, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva at the Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the Central African Republic (en anglais)

Delivery of the Secretary-General’s message by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the Central African Republic

Palais des Nations, Room XX
Monday, 20 January 2014 at 10:00 a.m.

Mr. President
Madam High Commissioner
Ladies and Gentlemen:

This Special Session is an important opportunity to confirm our commitment to supporting the people of the Central African Republic, and helping them towards sustainable peace and development, with full respect for human rights. Developments over the weekend, including reports of sectarian clashes, have only added further urgency to the debate today.

It is my privilege to present to you the Secretary-General’s message for this Special Session, and I quote:

“I thank the African Group for taking the initiative to call this special session on the Central African Republic– a crisis of epic proportions which requires immediate and concerted action.

The CAR is in freefall. Public service institutions have collapsed. Security forces have disintegrated. Fear has enveloped the country.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and other UN entities have documented unspeakable and widespread human rights violations. These appalling abuses have divided Christian and Muslim communities that for decades have co-existed peacefully as neighbours and friends.

The deteriorating security situation has forced one-fifth of the population to flee their homes, and more than half the population now needs humanitarian assistance. The United Nations has scaled up its emergency response, but the humanitarian appeal remains woefully underfunded. I urge Member States to demonstrate their solidarity and support this life-or-death effort.

I call for an immediate end to the cycle of violence and retaliation before the divide between the communities takes deep root and sectarian violence escalates into further mass atrocities. Religious tensions have not been part of the CAR’s past and they must not become part of its future.

I also urge all to prioritize national reconciliation and lasting peace. This will require the re-establishment of an effective governing administration and justice system founded on respect for the rule of law and the protection of human rights. We must support the transitional authorities in this challenging task.

There will be no reconciliation without accountability. In accordance with Security Council resolution 2127, the United Nations is establishing an International Commission of Inquiry to document abuses and human rights violations.

This vital Commission along with the Human Rights Council’s Independent Expert will cooperate closely in their complementary roles to fight impunity and protect human rights in the Central African Republic.

I urge the Human Rights Council, the Security Council, the General Assembly, other United Nations bodies, the African Union and the Economic Community of Central African States, along with national authorities, to combine their efforts to resolve the crisis and avoid further human suffering.

By acting collectively and in unity, we can uphold our responsibility to protect the people of the CAR and help them move from destitution and despair to a more hopeful path.

We must act together – and act now – to pull the CAR back from the brink of further atrocities. ”
That was the end of the Secretary-General’s message.
The United Nations family in Geneva follows developments in the Central African Republic closely. We are working with colleagues throughout the system and with partners to address the security, political, humanitarian and human rights dimensions of the crisis.

As we meet today, the European Union is hosting a high-level meeting on the crisis, with participation by United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos - and by major donors, to identify priorities for a sustained and effective humanitarian engagement.

Across all areas, we need such a sustained and effective engagement. We cannot escape the fact that the tragedy in the Central African Republic was allowed to go unaddressed for too long. This Special Session is an important step towards ensuring that CAR does not remain a “forgotten crisis” and that a meaningful response is mobilized, by all actors. Ensuring respect for human rights and the protection of all people of the Central African Republic from abuse is critical to the impact of our response. There will simply be no end to the current cycle of violence and inter-communal strife without respect for the rights of all.

Let me conclude by wishing you a productive Session in support of the people of the Central African Republic and their future.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.