A medical worker examines a girl's head. On the left side, an x-ray image of a thorax is seen.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that health must be high up on the agenda of the UN: Diseases cross borders and affect citizens everywhere, and the absence of health has an impact on many of the UN’s goals such as economic development or reduced inequalities. COVID-19 interrupted even the core of the UN’s work in multilateralism: planes stood still, borders were closed, people were stigmatized because of their physical appearance.

As early as in 1948, the UN started working on global health issues. Member States founded the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN’s main body to promote healthy lifestyles and access to health care globally. WHO’s top priorities at the time were malaria, women’s and children’s health, tuberculosis, venereal disease, nutrition and environmental pollution. Many of those remain on WHO’s agenda today.

Several UN entities work on health care today, and they cover a vast range of activities to achieve the goal of health and wellbeing for all. Many UN projects in the medical field are coordinated in Geneva. Not only WHO is headquartered here, but also UNAIDS, the joint UN Programme to combat HIV and Aids, Gavi the vaccine alliance (in which UNICEF and WHO are main partners), and many international NGOs and programmes based in Geneva focus on health care.   

Research and classification

WHO’s science experts set the global agenda on health-related research. They identify knowledge gaps and emerging areas of concern. WHO collects and combines findings, giving access to life-saving information to governments and medical practitioners around the world. Since its creation, the organization identifies and classifies diseases – a starting point for all research activities, making it possible to gather statistical data on certain health conditions. This knowledge enables WHO to give recommendations about prevention and treatment of diseases.

In addition, the UN funds medical research to enhance knowledge and find solutions to combatting diseases. The “Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases” (based in Geneva) is one such example. It largely concentrates on diseases related to poverty. Through the programme, the UN sponsors research activities and helps find effective solutions, e.g., to break infection chains in affected countries.

Controlling disease outbreaks

The UN has had some remarkable successes in fighting infectious diseases which no country could have achieved on its own. WHO and UNICEF together supply vaccines to 45% of the world’s children, saving three million lives every year. Through its unmatched vaccination campaigns, the UN has eradicated, or is on the verge of eliminating, several diseases: Smallpox have been eradicated in 1979 while polio, although still existing, has been reduced by 99%.

The UN system responds to emerging diseases or elevated infection rates. In 1996, UNAIDS was founded as a reaction to the ravaging HIV pandemic. The organization works on reducing the number of new infections through awareness campaigns. It lobbies for global access to treatment and for further research to improve prevention and treatment options, and even a possible cure. Lastly, UNAIDS campaigns to end stigmatization of people living with HIV or AIDS.

In 2014, the UN deployed its first ever emergency health mission: Medical and technical staff from different UN entities travelled to West Africa in response to the deadly Ebola outbreak – a resource-intense, fast, flexible and cross-entity approach that helped contain the highly infectious disease.

Through its global network, WHO monitors the spread of diseases and alerts States of increased viral or bacterial spreading. For example, WHO declared the coronavirus disease a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020 and a pandemic in March 2020. This warning mechanism prompts governments to release financial and technical resources to counter the outbreak. In such a situation, WHO also issues health care advisories for governments and citizens.   

A health worker injects a patient in an outdoor setting. A group of people is sitting at a long table behind the two.


Government support

Universal healthcare

Currently, at least half of the world’s population does not have access to the health services they need. The UN supports governments in multiple ways to enable them to deliver better services to their citizens. In most countries, universal health coverage, that is access to and a financing system for health services for everyone, is a goal yet to be achieved. The UN assists countries which are moving to a public health care system. WHO trains civil servants in how to finance universal health coverage and assists governments in developing the necessary policies. UN entities also help determine the health care needs in each country and advise on medical equipment and supplies.

Equal access to life-saving medicine

The UN lobbies for equal access to medical care across the globe. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN urged industrial countries to donate vaccines to other states. WHO coordinated the distribution and UNICEF played a major role in the delivery of vaccines.

By May 2022, more than 11 billion vaccine doses had been given to people across the world, over 1.5 billion of which were shipped through COVAX, the UN’s COVID vaccination campaign.  

2 health care workers pack COVID-19 vaccines.

Emergency response

Emergencies, may they be natural disasters or outbreaks of conflicts and wars, bring about injuries and maladies, and stress a national health care system. Two things come together: hospitals and clinics may have been destroyed or are no longer accessible while the need for health care skyrockets. The UN’s emergency response system starts rolling upon the invitation of a country in need. WHO leads the health cluster which coordinates UN agencies and NGOs to assess the medical needs and provide health care. 

Good health and wellbeing

The UN firmly believes that health means much more than the absence of sickness. It is rather defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. Many, if not all UN entities, help work towards this state of holistic health.

UN-Habitat and the UN Environment Programme cooperate to achieve better living for people in green cities, with less air pollution, clean water supplies, waste management and access to natural spaces. The International Labour Organization, headquartered in Geneva, enforces workers’ rights, for example the right to leisure and recuperation, or the right to operate in a safe work environment.

While UNFPA works on sexual and reproductive health, UNICEF is dedicated to the wellbeing of children and their parents. The organization’s impact reaches from maternity wards, where UNICEF supplies midwifery kits and distinguishes baby friendly hospitals that enable breastfeeding from day one, to nutritional programmes for malnourished children, or protection systems for children in danger of physical or mental abuse.

UNHCR, the UN’s refugee organization, takes care of all needs of people who fled their home, including their medical and psychosocial care. FAO, UNDP and WFP work on healthy food supplies, helping to set up sustainable farming techniques or advising on healthy nutritional habits in different corners of the world.

5 women sit outside and prepare food.

Organizations working on health issues




作为可持续发展目标的一部分,联合国艾滋病规划署正在领导全球努力,到 2030 年消除艾滋病这一公共卫生威胁。

自 35 多年前报告第一例艾滋病毒病例以来,已有 7800 万人感染了艾滋病毒,3500 万人死于与艾滋病相关的疾病。自 1996 年开始运作以来,联合国艾滋病规划署领导并激发了全球、区域、国家和地方的领导力、创新和伙伴关系,最终使艾滋病毒成为历史。


联合国艾滋病规划署提 [...]

联合国开发计划署是致力于结束贫困、不平等和气候变化的不公正现象的领先联合国组织。该机构与 170 个国家/地区的广泛专家和合作伙伴网络合作,帮助各国为人类和地球构建综合、持久的解决方案。

UNDP 日内瓦办事处是 UNDP 日内瓦和总部设在日内瓦的组织的平台,也是与法国和瑞士政府的主要联络点。自 2014 年 10 月以来,联合国开发计划署日内瓦办事处作为综合伙伴关系办公室,跨方案和代表职能开展工作。它确定、建立和发展开发署的机构能力,以加强广泛合作伙伴之间的战略伙伴关系,主要是与方案国和捐助国、联合国系统、非政府组织和民间社会组织、私营部门、政府间组织、国际金融机构、区域银行 [...]

联合国欧洲经济委员会 (UNECE) 由 ECOSOC 于 1947 年成立。它是联合国五个区域委员会之一。其主要目标是促进泛欧经济一体化。


联合国儿童基金会在世界上最艰苦的地方开展工作,以帮助处境最不利的儿童和青少年,并保护世界各地每个儿童的权利。在 190 多个国家和地区,我们尽一切努力帮助儿童从幼儿期到青春期生存、茁壮成长并发挥他们的潜力。



作为联合国系统的专门培训机构,联合国训练研究所 (UNITAR) 为个人、组织和机构提供创新的学习解决方案,以加强全球决策并支持国家层面的行动,以塑造更美好的未来。

UNITAR 成立于 1963 年,旨在为来自新独立的联合国成员国的年轻外交官提供在外交环境中驾驭所需的知识和技能。多年来,训研所在设计和开展各种培训活动方面积累了独特的专业知识和经验。我们已成为为公共和私营部门的机构和个人提供定制和创造性学习解决方案的领先机构。

凭借完全专注于实现可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的战略,UNITAR 支持各国政府实施 2030 年议程。

联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室 (UNODC) 的使命是让世界更加安全,远离毒品、有组织犯罪、腐败和恐怖主义。本组织致力于通过应对这些威胁并促进和平与可持续福祉来遏制这些威胁,从而实现人人享有健康、安全和正义。


UNRISD 是联合国系统内的一个自治研究机构,对当代发展问题的社会层面进行跨学科研究和政策分析。 UNRISD 与来自发达国家和发展中国家的学术、政策、从业者和活动家社区的广泛合作伙伴网络合作,旨在将社会公平、包容和正义置于发展思想、政策和实践的中心。

联合国世界粮食计划署 (WFP) 是世界上最大的人道主义组织,在紧急情况下拯救生命,并利用粮食援助为从冲突、灾难和气候变化影响中恢复的人们开辟通往和平、稳定和繁荣的道路。

世界粮食计划署日内瓦全球办事处通过与联合国机构和其他组织的伙伴关系、媒体宣传、与捐助者的对外关系和集体规范制定,努力使世界粮食计划署处于全球人道主义行动发展的前沿。具体而言,工作包括参与重要的机构间和多边论坛,例如机构间常设委员会 (IASC)、大谈判和人人享有健康生活和福祉全球行动计划。

WHO Logo


世界卫生组织 (WHO) 是联合国系统内卫生方面的指导和协调机构。它负责在全球卫生问题上发挥领导作用,制定卫生研究议程,制定规范和标准,阐明基于证据的政策选择,为各国提供技术支持以及监测和评估卫生趋势。