… engine. The reference of the documents can be found in the guide: League of Nations Documents and Serial Publications, 1919-1946. Related information Archives Debates Council Assembly of the League of Nations LON League of Nations Database … engine. The reference of the documents can be found in the guide: League of Nations Documents and Serial Publications, 1919-1946. …
… of the League, the records of external League offices and commissions, and photographs and other visual materials, covering 1919-1946. In addition, the Archives maintain records of organizations and individuals involved in international peace … of the League, the records of external League offices and commissions, and photographs and other visual materials, covering 1919-1946. In addition, the Archives maintain records of organizations and individuals involved in international peace …
… of the League of Nations The League at work Transition to the United Nations When the League of Nations was established in 1919, there had been no precedent of an international organization for preserving peace. However, the idea of organizing the … to avoid war was no longer considered a utopian dream, it had become a necessity. The Drafting of the Covenant In 1919, the victorious powers met in Paris to negotiate the peace settlements. It is during the Paris Peace Conference that … Koo, Vittorio Scialoja, the Viscount Chinda, and Eleftherios Venizelos . The work of the Committee started in January 1919, and the Covenant was adopted on 28 April 1919. The negotiations were sometimes tense, and the architecture of the new …
… online access to around 15 million pages, or almost three linear kilometers of archival documents of the League of Nations (1919-1946). The League was the first global international organization aiming to establish peace and cooperation and the … and neighbouring countries. The project, entitled “Digitization of the League of Nations Archives Related to Azerbaijan 1919-1946,” is aimed at assisting the research activities of the National Library of Azerbaijan and at further improving …
… relief from armed conflict. The Covenant of the League of Nations forms the first part of the Versailles peace treaty of 1919. It outlined the goals, organs, procedures and commitments of the League, whose headquarters was established in Geneva. … set up in Geneva, first in the Palais Wilson and later in the Palais des Nations. There were 42 founding member states in 1919. A further 21 countries joined between 1920 and 1937, but 7 left, withdrew or were expelled before 1946. The League of … from all corners of the world–is a unique and precious part of the story of internationalism, which began in Geneva in 1919. There has been indeed a huge increase of interest in the League’s heritage –including architecture, archives and …
… Transition to the United Nations The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the Palace of Versailles Hall of Mirrors on 28 June 1919. The Covenant of the League of Nations was integrated into the Treaty and all other peace settlements signed in Paris … Covenant Covenant of the League of Nations Download the Original Covenant The Peace Treaty of Versailles, signed June 28, 1919 Part I: THE COVENANT OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, In order to promote international …
… Labour Organization (ILO) Like the League of Nations, the ILO was established at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 on the basis that “universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice”. Its main … represented: governments, employers and employees (or, at that time, workers). The first Convention adopted by the ILO in 1919 limited the hours of work in industrial undertakings. Since then, its activities have continued without interruption, …
… of the League of Nations and to honour the leadership of American President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), who received the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in establishing the League. The sculpture’s full name is “Celestial Sphere – Woodrow … was inviting all of us to cast our eyes to the stars and aspire for world peace. World peace cannot be simply achieved in 1919 with the creation of the League of Nations or in 1945 with the creation of the United Nations. It is something that …
… of knowledge awaits. This historic institution has pioneered research and international understanding since its founding in 1919 as the Library of the League of Nations. In the library’s sky-lit reading rooms, sift through rich historical texts, …
11 months 3 weeks ago… catastrophe. Sous l’impulsion du président américain Woodrow Wilson, la Société des Nations a vu le jour en février 1919. Elle était dédiée à la paix et à la résolution pacifique des conflits. Mais pourquoi Genève a-t-elle été choisie comme … qu’avait Gustave Ador des affaires internationales il y a plus d’un centenaire. Face aux défis mondiaux, que ce soit en 1919 ou en 2024, le multilatéralisme et la paix sont − et doivent être − la seule voie à suivre. Je suis sûre que Gustave … catastrophe. Sous l’impulsion du président américain Woodrow Wilson, la Société des Nations a vu le jour en février 1919. Elle était dédiée à la paix et à la résolution pacifique des conflits. Mais pourquoi Genève a-t-elle été choisie comme …