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Interim update on preparations for the 8th round of intra-Syrian talks on behalf of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura

Statements and Speeches

Since his briefing to the Security Council on 26 October 2017 which laid out important points on the way forward on Syria, Special Envoy de Mistura and his team have been undertakingintensive consultations with the relevant stakeholders in preparation for the 8thround of the intra-Syrian talks, due to take place in Geneva on 28 November.

In this context, Special Envoy de Mistura has been, and will continue to be, having a range of contacts with senior regional, European, Russian, and US officials. Deputy Special Envoy Ramzy completed today consultations in Riyadh. The Special Envoy will be in Paris for meetings with French officials tomorrow. He is planning to meet with a Russian delegation in Geneva early next week.

The Special Envoy continues to focus on advancing the implementation of Security Council resolution 2254 (2015) through a negotiated political solution to the conflict in Syria under the auspices of the United Nations.

Geneva, 9 November 2017