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Code of Conduct for Members of the Constitutional Committee and Initial Procedural Practices of the Co-Chairs of the Constitutional Committee

Statements and Speeches

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Further to the Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure (the Procedures’ paper) and in accordance with the Co-Chairs prerogatives to ensure the good functioning of the Constitutional Committee and in conformity with the spirit of the sense of compromise and constructive engagement, and ensuring credible, balanced and inclusive work, the Co-Chairs propose the following Code of Conduct for Members of the Constitutional Committee and Initial Procedural Practices of the Co- Chairs of the Constitutional Committee.

Code of Conduct for members of the Constitutional Committee

Members of the constitutional Committee commit to:

1) follow the agreed Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure (the procedures’ paper) or any other rules that might be adopted including this Code of Conduct and procedural practices of the Co-Chairs to ensure the good functioning of the Constitutional Committee;

2) work in the Committee and in all related matters with commitment and good faith, in a collaborative manner, looking for solutions toward the completion of the Syrian-led, Syrian- owned, UN-facilitated constitutional process;

3) endeavor to attend all meetings of the Committee; in case of absence of one of the Co- Chairs, an acting Co-Chair shall be appointed by the group of the absent Co-Chair;

4) deliberate with mutual respect, in a peaceful atmosphere conducive to constructive debates;

5) show respect and tact toward members and refrain from inflammatory speeches and personal attacks;

6) respect the dignity and integrity of the Committee, and refrain from any act that might harm other members, and any unethical behavior or offence to public decency;

7) abstain from distributing any documents as official papers in the room of the meeting;

8) abstain from any acts that could be perceived as provocative;

9) seek the floor by signaling their request to speak to the Co-Chairs through an agreed register mechanism or by raising their name plate;

10) speak only when given the floor by the Co-Chair, speak through him or to the Committee, and not interrupt any member during his intervention;

11) respect the rulings of the Co-Chair on any violations of the Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure and the Code of Conduct or any other rules that might be adopted including in relation to procedural practices of the Co-Chairs, and on the attacking of other members of the Committee or the breaching order during meetings;

12) speak within the topic submitted for deliberation in the meeting;

13) respect the confidentiality of the deliberations of the Committee;

14) refrain from using personal accounts on social medias to communicate with the Committee,

15) submit concerns or complaints to the Co-Chairs exclusively;

16) members may express their views in medias;

17) demonstrate high standards of integrity and judgment while publicly communicating;

This Code of Conduct may be amended or supplemented including by additional points based on a proposal from the Co-Chairs and adoption by the Committee.

Initial Procedural Practices of the Co-Chairs of the Constitutional Committee

The Co-Chairs shall do the following:

1) lead the meetings of the Constitutional Committee jointly while sequentially alternating in the actual management of sessions on a daily basis;

2) Put forward, on the first meeting of each session, their proposed agenda of work based on opinions and views expressed by members. The draft agenda shall be sent to members of the committee before the meeting to make their proposals for the agenda to be adopted by the Committee members.

3) summaries of previous deliberations are distributed upon agreement thereof from the co- chairs. Full minutes of meetings technically prepared by the Secretariat shall be distributed to the Co-Chairs only. Co-Chairs may correct any mistake in these minutes upon their review.;

4) record and register, with the assistance of the secretariat, points that have been decided or provisionally agreed within the Committee;

5) endeavor to promote equal rights and meaningful participation of women and men;

6) give the floor in priority to members seeking to make a point of order if they deem that there is a violation of the procedures’ paper or the Code of Conduct;

7) establish the list of speakers following the order of registration taking into account requirements of balance among the Committee's components;

8) suspend meetings in case of disturbance the order of the meeting and, should the disturbance persist, adjourn the meeting to the next working day;

9) conclude meetings having determined the date of the next meeting;

10) the Secretariat shall provide the necessary logistical support as might be needed and for the good functioning of the Constitutional Committee;

This Initial Procedural Practice of the Co-Chairs may be amended or supplemented including by additional points based on their proposal and adoption by the members of the Committee.

Geneva, 1 November 2019